清水芙蓉 发表于 2016-10-26 15:39:00


本帖最后由 清水芙蓉 于 2020-5-2 20:08 编辑

Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover's Gift
1. YOU ALLOWED your kingly power to vanish, Shajahan, but your wish was to make imperishable a tear-drop of love.

   Time has no pity for the human heart, he laughs at its sad struggle to remember.

      You allured him with beauty, made him captive, and crowned the formless death with fadeless form.

      The secret whispered in the hush of night to the ear of your love is wrought in the perpetual silence of stone.

      Though empires crumble to dust, and centuries are lost in shadows, the marble still sighs to the stars, “I remember.”

   “ I remember." - But life forgets, for she has her call to the Endless and she goes on her voyage unburdened, leaving her memories to the forlorn forms of beauty.









(* 这个说的是印度国王纪悼王后的故事。)


凌寒 发表于 2016-10-26 21:33:44


清水芙蓉 发表于 2016-10-28 02:34:44

凌寒 发表于 2016-10-26 21:33


风流剑侠 发表于 2016-10-30 20:09:13


尼尔根 发表于 2016-10-31 11:02:08


清水芙蓉 发表于 2017-2-14 03:15:13

本帖最后由 清水芙蓉 于 2017-2-14 03:16 编辑

   Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover's Gift
2。COME TO MY garden walk, my love. Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight. Pass them by, stopping at some chance joy, that like a sudden wonder of sunset illumines, yet eludes.

   For love's gift is shy, it never tells its name, it flits across the shade, spreading a shiver of joy along the dust. Overtake it or miss it for ever. But a gift that can be grasped is merely a frail flower, or a lamp with a flame that will flicker.


2.   来我的花园足径走走啊,我的爱。经由我那些热情奔放的花朵呀,他们相拥着贴近你的眼前。经由他们呀,若可能心欢喜时就驻步慢慢看,那欢喜啊,犹若夕阳突然变换的奇幻,却又转眼即消散。


清水芙蓉 发表于 2017-7-14 07:48:23

本帖最后由 清水芙蓉 于 2017-7-14 07:51 编辑

3。THE FRUITS COME in crowds into my orchard, they jostle each other. They surge up in the light in an anguish of fullness.

Proudly step into my orchard, my queen, sit there in the shade, pluck the ripe fruits from their stems, and let them yield, to the utmost, their burden of sweetness at your lips.

In my orchard the butterflies shake their wings in the sun, the leaves tremble, the fruits clamour to come to completion.



骄傲地来到我的花园啊, 我的王后,坐在那树荫里,摘下那些已然成熟的果子呀,让它们咿呀惊叫,不管它们如何叫得响亮,它们的重担--那甜蜜,只是为了你的柔唇而生的哦。



月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-8 23:00:46

4。SHE IS NEAR TO my heart as the meadow-flower to the earth; she is sweet to me as sleep is to tired limbs. My love for her is my life flowing in its fullness, like a river in autumn flood, running with serene abandonment.
My songs are one with my love, like the murmur of a stream, that sings with all its waves and currents.


陌上尘 发表于 2020-3-9 21:46:47

本帖最后由 陌上尘 于 2020-3-9 21:53 编辑


月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-11 22:34:20

@风流剑侠 其实我感觉开始翻译时不是很好,后来的才叫精彩,我会慢慢发来,这批早就翻译光了,正在翻译另一个他献给神的组诗,看那个有共鸣的更少,因为国人不信神,所以不懂赞美诗一类。:lol

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-11 22:39:59

陌上尘 发表于 2020-3-9 21:46
最初接触泰戈尔的诗是在八几年,正青春年少,买了很多本他的诗集,当然,是中文版的!最最喜欢的一首诗是: ...

我很喜欢他的才华,因为他是诗神!他写的很深沉,手法高超,各种文学手法基本都用过,太深沉以至于我一直琢磨不透!文学才华里我最佩服他!其实,你若问我我 写的为何很鬼怪精灵,那我可以告诉你我的秘密:你再读一遍泰戈尔写的,就知道答案!;P

陌上尘 发表于 2020-3-11 23:25:32

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-11 22:39
我很喜欢他的才华,因为他是诗神!他写的很深沉,手法高超,各种文学手法基本都用过,太深沉以至于我一直 ...


陌上尘 发表于 2020-3-11 23:26:01

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-11 22:39
我很喜欢他的才华,因为他是诗神!他写的很深沉,手法高超,各种文学手法基本都用过,太深沉以至于我一直 ...


若兰公子 发表于 2020-3-19 02:48:42

本帖最后由 若兰公子 于 2020-3-19 02:56 编辑


月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-5-2 03:06:08

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-5-2 03:09 编辑

5。I WOULD ASK for still more, if I had the sky with all its stars, and the world with its endless riches; but I would be content with the smallest corner of this earth if only she were mine.



左岸春风 发表于 2020-5-2 05:39:20

若兰公子 发表于 2020-3-19 02:48


左岸春风 发表于 2020-5-2 05:39:58


言秋 发表于 2020-5-2 08:38:01

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-3-11 22:34
@风流剑侠 其实我感觉开始翻译时不是很好,后来的才叫精彩,我会慢慢发来,这批早就翻译光了,正在翻译另一 ...


月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-5-5 01:42:58

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-5-5 01:44 编辑

      6. IN THE LIGHT of this thriftless day of spring, my poet, sing of those who pass by and do not linger, who laugh as they run and never look back, who blossom in an hour of unreasoning delight, and fade in a moment without regret.
  Do not sit down silently, to tell the beads of your past tears and smiles, - do not stop to pick up the dropped petals from the flowers of overnight, do not go to seek things that evade you, to know the meaning that is not plain, - leave the gaps in your life where they are, for the music to come out of their depths.


言秋 发表于 2020-5-5 02:13:58

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-5-5 01:42
6. IN THE LIGHT of this thriftless day of spring, my poet, sing of those who pass by an ...


左岸春风 发表于 2020-5-5 06:30:08


左岸春风 发表于 2020-5-5 06:32:53


月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-5-12 01:22:38

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-5-18 19:58 编辑

      7. IT IS LITTLE that remains now, the rest was spent in one careless summer. It is just enough to put in a song and sing to you; to weave in a flower- chain gently clasping your wrist; to hang in your ear like a round pink pearl, like a blushing whisper; to risk in a game one evening and utterly lose.

      My boat is a frail small thing, not fit for crossing wild waves in the rain. If you but lightly step on it I shall gently row you by the shelter of the shore, where the dark water in ripples are like a dream-ruffled sleep; where the dove's cooing from the drooping branches makes the noon- day shadows plaintive. At the day's end, when you are tired, I shall pluck a dripping lily to put in your hair and take my leave.
  我的船儿是那般的弱小呢,不适于大雨里渡过狂风巨浪的。若你只轻轻步入这船儿,我会沿岸边的树荫悠悠划舟,那儿沉沉暗水泛起涟漪,尤若酣睡被梦翻起;那儿低垂的树枝里,树鸽咕咕的叫鸣,使那中午的影子充满忧悒。 当白昼过尽,当你疲倦之时,我会摘一朵滴水的百合,插入你的发际,然后就离去。

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-5-18 19:58:13

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-6-8 21:56 编辑

 8.THERE IS ROOM for you. You are alone with your few sheaves of rice. My boat is crowded, it is heavily laden, but how can I turn you away? your young body is slim and swaying; there is a twinkling smile in the edge of your eyes, and your robe is coloured like the rain-cloud.
  .The travellers will land for different roads and homes. You will sit for a while on the prow of my boat, and at the journey's end none will keep you back.
  Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves? I will not question you, but when I fold my sails and moor my boat, I shall sit and wonder in the evening, - Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves?

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-6-8 21:53:08

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-6-8 21:57 编辑

      9. WOMAN, YOUR basket is heavy, your limbs are tired. For what distance have you set out, with what hunger of profit? The way is long and the dust is hot in the sun.
  See, the lake is deep and full, its water dark like a crow's eye. The banks are sloping and tender with grass.
  Dip your tired feet into the water. The noon-tide wind will pass its fingers through your hair; the pigeons will croon their sleep songs, the leaves will murmur the secrets that nestle in the shadows.
  What matters it if the hours pass and the sun sets; if the way through the desolate land be lost in the waning light.
  Yonder is my house, by the hedge of flowering henna; I will guide you.
  I will make a bed for you, and light a lamp. In the morning when the birds are roused by the stir of milking the cows, I will waken you.
  女人啊,你的篮子沉甸甸, 你的四肢也已倦。你已走了多远的路,渴望得到啥好处?路途遥遥长,太阳下红尘滚滚烫。

月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-6-22 22:05:05

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-6-22 22:07 编辑

  10. WHAT IS IT THAT drives these bees from their home; these followers of unseen trails? What cry is this in their eager wings? How can they hear the music that sleeps in the flower soul? How can they find their way to the chamber where the honey lies shy and silent?
  什么在驱使他们离开家的,这些蜂儿,这些无形痕迹的跟从者?他们的翅膀振振呼唤为甚?他们是如何听得花之魂里沉睡之曲? 大厅里躺着羞羞寂寂的蜂蜜,他们是如何找到去那大厅的路的?


月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-7-19 22:27:04

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-7-19 22:28 编辑

      11. IT WAS ONLY the budding of leaves in the summer, the summer that came into the garden by the sea. It was only a stir and rustle in the south wind, a few lazy snatches of songs, and then the day was done.

  But let there be flowering of love in the summer to come in the garden by the sea. Let my joy take its birth and clap its hands and dance with the surging songs, and make the morning open its eyes wide in sweet amazement.



月色芙蓉 发表于 2020-8-5 17:23:30

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2020-8-5 17:30 编辑

  12. AGES AGO WHEN you opened the south gate of the garden of gods, and came down upon the first youth of the earth, O Spring; men and women rushed out of their houses, laughing and dancing, and pelting each other with flower-dust in a sudden madness of mirth.

  Year after year you bring the same flowers that you scattered in your path in that earliest April. Therefore, today, in their pervading perfume, they breathe the sigh of the days that are now dreams-the clinging sadness of vanished worlds. Your breeze is laden with love-legends that have faded from all human language.

  One day, with fresh wonder, you came into my life that was fluttered with its first love. Since then the tender timidness of that inexperienced joy comes hidden every year in the early green buds of your lemon flowers ; your red roses carry in their burning silence all that was unutterable in me; the memory of lyric hours, those days of May, rustles in the thrill of your new leaves born again and again.

  很久以前,当你打开神明们的花园南门,地球的第一个青春就此来临,哦 春天;男男女女冲出自家的门,欢歌笑语、足蹈手舞,在突然的狂喜里,互掷碎花,瓣瓣如尘。



左岸春风 发表于 2020-8-5 17:43:14


月色芙蓉 发表于 2021-7-15 17:38:54

本帖最后由 月色芙蓉 于 2021-7-15 17:40 编辑

 13. LAST NIGHT IN the garden I offered you my youth's foaming wine. You lifted the cup to your lips, you shut your eyes and smiled while I raised your veil, unbound your tresses, drawing down upon my breast your face sweet with its silence, last night when the moon's dream overflowed the world of slumber.
  Today in the dew-cooled calm of the dawn you are walking to God's temple, bathed and robed white, with a basketful of flowers in your hand. I stand aside in the shade un-der the tree, with my head bent, in the calm of the dawn by the lonely road to the temple.
  昨晚在花园,我献给了你我青春盎然的红酒。你举杯放在唇边,闭上双眼,当我揭开你的面纱,你笑意轻浅,我解开你的发辫,将你甜美宁静的脸揽在我的胸前 。就在昨晚,就在月儿的梦溢过世界的沉睡之时。
  而今日,被露降凉的晨曦的静寂里,你走向神的庙宇,沐浴后, 穿上白袍,手携满盈篮子的花卉。树荫下,我站在一边,头垂胸前,在晨曦的静寂里,在去往神庙的孤僻路旁。

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