
标题: 几首意大利诗歌-英译本 [打印本页]

作者: 言秋    时间: 2020-9-17 10:38
标题: 几首意大利诗歌-英译本
"Life of my life, you seem to me"
by Torquato Tasso

Life of my life, you seem to me
Like some pallid olive tree
Or the faded rose I see:
Nor do you lack beauty,
But pleasing in every way to me,
In shyness or in flattery,
Whether you follow me or flee,
Consume, destroy me softly.

"O you, far colder, whiter"
by Torquato Tasso

O you, far colder, whiter
Than she who makes less fair
The stars with shining there:
Her purest silver cannot dim
Nor any cloud, or rain or wind,
Your sweet brightness, lovely eyes.
Would you but turn to me, with delight,
I should be happy, and my life a dream.

"Once we were happy"
by Torquato Tasso

Once we were happy, I
Loving and beloved,
You loved and loving, sweetly moved.
Then you became the enemy
Of love, and I to disdain
Found youthful passion change.
Disdain demands I speak,
Disdain, that in my breast
Keeps the shame of my neglected offering fresh:
And from your laurel
Tears the leaves, now dry, once beautiful.
作者: 言秋    时间: 2020-9-17 10:39
塔索,T.(Torquato Tasso 1544~1595),意大利诗人,文艺复兴运动晚期的代表。出身富有文化教养的家庭。大学时期学法律,但对古典文化和哲学十分热爱,跟人文主义者交往甚密。先受阿里奥斯托影响,用浪漫情调写骑士业绩的长诗。继又作为宫廷诗人写牧歌剧。代表作是叙事长诗《被解放的耶路撒冷》(1575)。-来自百度。
作者: 左岸春风    时间: 2020-9-17 10:57
作者: 言秋    时间: 2020-9-17 12:37
左岸春风 发表于 2020-9-17 10:57

作者: 春水    时间: 2020-9-17 14:28
作者: 东方耳    时间: 2020-9-21 23:55
作者: 言秋    时间: 2020-9-22 15:57
东方耳 发表于 2020-9-21 23:55

作者: 言秋    时间: 2020-9-26 22:13
https://music.163.com/#/song?id= ... &market=baiduhd


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